OSD Telemetry Module PRM-03 - Radiolink
OSD Telemetry Module PRM-03 - Radiolink
OSD Telemetry Module PRM-03 - Radiolink
OSD (On-Screen-Display) PRM-03 Telemetry Module manufactured by Radiolink. OST Telemetry module transmits the data from the flight controller and shows the data of: SPEED, RISE, THRO, VOLT, LATI, LONG, ALT, GPS, RSSI, MODE, YAW, ROLL. PITC, DIST in the display screen of AT9, AT9S, AT10 or AT10II. Attention! the old version of AT9 and AT10 have to upgrade the firmware when use PRM-03 to telemetry OSD information. Upgrade AT9 firmware to V1.2.6(OSD) or AT10 to V1.0.6(OSD).
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